SINCE 2007

"In ten sessions, you will feel the difference; in twenty you will see the difference,
and in thirty you'll have a whole new body." -
Joseph H. Pilates


"Congratulations! You have taken responsibility for your health and well-being. Smart Bodies Therapy is a journey of self-awareness, linking the mind, body and senses. It changes your shape by educating you in the movements of daily life. It is my expectation that after trying Smart Bodies Therapy, you will feel more comfortable in your own body, moving more gracefully and with ease. Smart Bodies Therapy is not content to follow traditional fitness regimes. It utilizes various disciplines to build strength, balance and coordination. Because it is so different, it takes time to adjust. Be patient and excited to learn about your amazing body. "

- Alona L. Casanave

We Are The Only Studio In Town That Does it!

We are excited to announce that we are introducing the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to Williamsburg, VA,
serving the Hampton Roads area.


    My whole life I work with children in kindergarten and as a result my neck was so tight and unable to move from side to side. My condition was so bad! I was afraid to drive my car because I was unable to turn my head. Fortunately, very fortunately, in 2013 I found Alona at Smart Bodies Pilates. She identified immediately where my problem was, designed a program to fit my needs including Pilates and Hot Stone massage therapy.

   The return on my investment in her program was much greater than I would’ve received at any doctors office. I had to put the time and yes, the money, but it was a lifetime improvement and worth everything to me! I wholeheartedly recommend anyone regardless of their every day lifetime trama to experience the healing benefits. It is my wish this program will effect your life as it has mine. - Katy


are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.